If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants

We are grateful for the support of numerous major donors, organisations and community groups who have supported our event over the years. Their generosity and trust in our movement has enabled us to create an outstanding experience for our models and guests alike. If you would like to partner with us, we would love to hear from you. Together we can move mountains.

City of Yarra

The Yarra City Council, where our event is held, has been a steadfast major sponsor and supporter of our event since it’s inception in 2020. We thank councillors and the Mayor for their partnership and trust. In 2023, This is Me was shortlisted for Community Awards in the Community Initiative of the Year category.


Elite Makeup Academy

Elite Academy have partnered with us since year 1, providing makeup artists, hair stylists and professional flair to our event. They enable our models to feel confident and ready for their debut and cheer them on through all of the nerves and butterflies.

We thank them deeply for their partnership with us. We could not do this event without them.


Tatiana Scott Photography

So many of the wonderful photos that you have been seeing here are due to the incredible photographer Tatiana Scott.

She is a true artist who draws out the essence of each of our wonderful volunteers and role models each year. There are always squeals of delight when we first see her pictures, each one so carefully curated to ensure that the person is seen and honoured.

Thank you Tatiana for your steadfast friendship and partnership with us through the years. We hope to continue having you in the fabric of our movement for years to come.


Lucy Laurita

Proudly Australian made sustainable fashion, Lucy Laurita focuses on custom dress designs, simple couture, evening gowns & bridal wear.

She has provided our models with stunning gowns so that they can feel confident and beautiful when presenting themselves in front of family, friends and strangers. Lucy has a heart of gold and is a true ally for all women of all shapes and identities.

Australian Fashion Designer & Wellbeing Advocate.

Lucy Laurita specialises in women’s event wear and gowns. Her brand (est. 2005) is a celebration of beauty and quality and has grown from a wholehearted commitment to strengthening the Australian fashion industry.


Liquid Infusion

Liquid Infusion has been our drinks partner since 2020, provided delicious cocktails and mocktails to our audiences and enabling our intended celebratory atmosphere. The service provided by their staff as always been exceptional and we appreciate and value their support.
